
  • Students should always bring their own books to the lesson.

  • Every student should have a three-ring binder for miscellaneous pieces and assignments.

  • Students need a bag to organize their books.

  • Fingernails need to be trimmed for each lesson.

    Minimum practice expectations:

    • Beginners: play through each assigned piece a few times, 3-4 times a week

    • Levels 2B to Level 4: 30-45 minutes, 4-5 days a week

    • Levels 5 and up: 1-2 hours, 5-6 days a week


    • Excused absences with a minimum of 24-hour notice will receive a credit or a make-up session. 

    • Students who are ill should not attend lessons. Please notify me by 12 pm on the day of the lesson so I can issue a credit or discuss a make-up lesson.

    • If I miss a lesson, I will reschedule or credit a lesson for the following month.

Reasons for Dismissal

    • Student’s lack of intrinsic motivation and desire to learn and participate

    • Student expressing a desire to discontinue lessons despite the teacher and parents’ best efforts

    • Student not fulfilling minimum practice expectations or frequently coming to the lessons unprepared

    • Frequent unexcused absences or last minute cancellations (more than two per semester)

    • Consistent tardiness in payments, or owing for more than two months of lessons

    • Student’s behavioral or disciplinary problems

    • Lack of participation in master classes, concerts, and other studio events


    • NFMC auditions and scholarship competitions for selected students above Level 2B

    • Concert for a Cause - Studio Fundraiser and Christmas Party

    • Spring End-of-the-Year Formal Recital

    • Rehearsals/master classes scheduled a week before performances and Federation auditions