Introducing Etudes, Book 3
The more advanced etudes in Book 3 work on technical challenges such as tremolos, chromatic scales, speed, arpeggios, octaves, and singing tone. Among the collections surveyed are The Alphabet by Le Couppey, Bertini’s Studies for Piano, Burgmüller Op. 100 and Op. 109, Czerny Op. 139, Duvernoy’s School of Mechanism, Gurlitt’s School of Velocity, and Streabbog Op. 64. The book also includes two original etudes by Ward Bowen.
Copyright 2007 by Isabel Otero Bowen and Ward Bowen

J. B. Duvernoy: Etude Op. 120, No.1
J. F. F. Burgmüller: The Little Reunion, Op. 100
J. Concone: Etude Op. 24, No. 23
J. Concone: Etude Op. 24, No. 8
J. L. Streabbog: The Whirlwind, Op. 64
J. F. F. Burgmüller: The Storm, Op. 109
W. Bowen: The Great Escape
C. Czerny: Op. 139, No. 55
S. Heller: Etude Op. 47, No. 2
W. Bowen: Baroque Homage
J. F. F. Burgmüller: The Swallow, Op. 100
C. Gurlitt: Free Fancies, Op. 101
C. Gurlitt: Etude Op. 141, No. 14
F. Le Couppey: Etude Op. 17, No. 9
C. Gurlitt: Etude Op. 141, No. 7
H. Bertini: Etude Op. 29, No. 9
J. Concone: Etude Op. 24, No. 11
H. Bertini: Etude Op. 29, No. 22
J. B. Duvernoy: Etude Op. 120, No. 4